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Career Stat Leaders: Offense


Career Statistical Leaders

These stats rank the top 20 in each category.


Most Rushing Yards

Most Rushing TDs
Athlete Year Stat Athlete Year Stat
D'Angelo Reder 2012-14 4286 D'Angelo Reder 2012-14 49
Tommy Allen 1961-63 3306 Tommy Allen 1961-63 42
Ronnie Crosby 2021-22 2883 Ronnie Crosby 2021-22 33
Theron McClendon 1975-76 2390 Theron McClendon 1975-76 30
Henry Dotson 1981-82 2168 Greg Thomas 1982-85 28
Greg Thomas 1982-85 2068 Alex Archield 2020-22 27
Jalyn Thurman 2017-19 2000 Derrick Taylor 2002-03 18
Derrick Taylor 2002-03 1882 Jalyn Thurman 2017-19 18
Kenric Stevenson 1990-91 1876 Drew Victor 2011-13 17
Daniel Crosley 2015 1437 Henry Dotson 1981-82 17
Alex Archield 2020-22 1371 Kenneth Gooden, Jr 2018-20 14
Eddie Meridith 2010-11 1342 Daniel Crosley 2015 13
Steven Richmond 2008-9 1182 James Galloway 1975-76 13
Danny Williams 2007 1100 Kenric Stevenson 1990-91 12
Eric Mazyck 1998 1098 Eric Mazyck 1998 11
James Galloway 1975-76 1091 Eugene Kulaga 1964-65 11
Raymond Porter 1986 1066 Herbert Roberts 1989 11
JJ Johnson 1992 1062 JJ Johnson 1992 11
Jamon Bradford 2012 1049 Keith Dove 1992 11
Marcus Lee 1987-88 991 Sam Peterson 2008-9 11





Most Passing Yards

Most Completions

Most Passing TDs
Athlete Year Stat Athlete Year Stat Athlete Year Stat
Lane Armer 2016-18 3221 Lane Armer 2016-18 252/405 Lane Armer 2016-18 31
Scott Nease 1984-86 2412 Scott Nease 1984-86 181/449 Sam Peterson 2008-09 20
Eric Cooper 2001-03 1908 Kenneth Gooden, Jr 2018-20 171/276 Kenneth Gooden, Jr 2018-20 18
Kenneth Gooden, Jr 2018-20 1828 Sam Peterson 2008-09 145/280 Scott Nease 1984-86 18
Sam Peterson 2008-09 1795 Eric Cooper 2001-03 135/349 Eric Cooper 2001-03 13
Jared Holmes 2010-11 1145 Hunter Bardin 2005-06 95/211 Josh Miers 1999-2000 12
Ted Harris 1981 1134 Jared Holmes 2010-11 93/176 Daniel Housley 1998 11
Josh Miers 1999-2000 1117 Ted Harris 1981 77/153 Marlon Woods 1996 11
Marlon Woods 1996 1085 Josh Miers 1999-2000 72/215 Mike Bosway 1975 9
Hunter Bardin 2005-06 1071 Marlon Woods 1996 69/149 Paul Jones 1981-82 8
Daniel Housley 1998 939 Paul Jones 1981-82 58/151 Ryan Temple 1997 8
Paul Jones 1981-82 802 Bob Holland 1969 56/126 Robert Lewis 2015-16 7
Ryan Temple 1997 800 Daniel Housley 1998 50/111 Bill Hyde 1964 6
Micah Herrington 2004 688 Mike Bihm 1988 49/118 Hunter Bardin 2005-06 6
Robert Lewis 2014-16 669 Jimmy Lewis 1965 48/110 Ethan Maples 2021 5
Mike Bosway 1975 574 Ryan Temple 1997 48/130 Uriah Wade 2022 5
Uriah Wade 2022 568 John Schlag 2007 42/115 Tyler Herring 2013 5
Darrell Venturella 1989 564 Robert Lewis 2014-16 40/101 Darrell Venturella 1989 5
Tyler Herring 2013 543 Micah Herrington 2004 38/88 Dowd Douglas 1983 5
John Schlag 2007 538 Mike Bosway 1975 37/80 Jimmy Lewis 1965 5
Jimmy Lewis 1965 532 T. Herring & D. Venturella – 35 Comps Micah Herrington 2004 5



 Most Receptions Most Receiving Yards Most Receiving TDs
Athlete Year Stat Athlete Year Stat Athlete Year Stat
Greg Woodard 2017-18 94 Greg Woodard 2017-18 1044 Andy Smith 1996-98 12
Andy Smith 1996-98 47 Andy Smith 1996-98 855 Ashton Broussard 2018-20 10
Ashton Broussard 2018-20 47 Dre Bagley 2015-17 809 Greg Woodard 2017-18 10
Chris Jones 2009-10 42 Ashton Broussard 2018-20 765 Dre Bagley 2015-17 8
David Simmons 1985-86 42 David O'Neal 1982 621 Ronald Acker 2008 6
Jalyn Thurman 2018-19 41 David Simmons 1986 612 Randy Branch 1975 6
Dre Bagley 2015-17 39 Jared Poteet 2000 522 Justin Jones 2005 5
Kelvin St. Romain 1984-85 34 Chris Jones 2009-10 521 Quartez Buckley 1996 5
Kai Lynch 2019 32 Quartez Buckley 1996 503 Shawn Piper 1998 5
David O'Neal 1982 31 Kelvin St. Romain 1984-85 475 Sean Freeman 2008-09 4
Quartez Buckley 1996 30 Ronald Acker 2008 455 Zac Pursley 2015-16 4
Don Hughes 1969 28 Justin Jones 2005 389 David O'Neal 1982 4
Zac Pursley 2015-16 28 Zac Pursley 2015-16 368 Bobby Hernandez 1964 4
Greg Thomas 1984-85 26 Jalyn Thurman 2018-19 363 Jermane Clinton 1989 4
Jared Poteet 2000 26 Shawn Piper 1998 363 Kelvin St. Romain 1984-85 4
Drew Victor 2011-13 22 Don Hughes 1969 315

A. Coronel, B. Hammond, K. Lynch, M. Beane, R. Crosby, B. Clinton, G. Thomas, J. Governale, M. Mayes, T. Fulton - 3 TD Receptions

Justin Jones 2005 21 Jerome Gibson 2004 305
Andre' Lovely 2010-11 20 Justin Governale 1996 298
Ronald Acker 2008 19 Kai Lynch 2019 282
J. Governale & R. Robinson - 18 Recs Rashad Robinson 2008-10 282








The preceding stats have been compiled from the 1961 football season until the present day. If you believe any statistics are incorrect or missing, please contact Coach Parmley at Please have verifiable information (i.e. newspaper clippings) when you send the email.