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DHS Library

The DHS Library is a support service to the academic curriculum and strives primarily to provide print and non-print materials, audio-visual equipment, and software to assist teachers and students in meeting reference and research needs.  Our students will be using the library for both study and enjoyment.


The DHS Library is open each school day from 7:30 am until 3:15 pm.


Library books may be checked out for a period of 10 school days.  Materials not returned in a timely manner are assessed a fine of $0.25 per day.  Students with overdue books or outstanding fines should settle their account before additional materials may be borrowed.


In addition to 18,000+ titles, DHS Library also has available for student use a computer lab with thirty computers and two printers.  Printing may be done for information needed for an assignment.  Printing (limited) is free for materials for classroom use.  A SIGNED parent/student Telecommunication form must be on file in the office for students to use a computer, per parish policy.


DHS Library maintains a subscription to several online databases for additional student research.  These databases support research for math, science, social studies, and English classes. 

Students can access the library's collection of e-books using the DestinyDiscover app on any smartphone, tablet, or computer.  Students can log in to thier account using their student id and birthdate. Over 30 magazines are availible digitally, also, using the Flipster software.  Here you will find a five year archive of popular magazines.  To access magazines, click on the link (username: deridder  password: library!20).

ALL Beauregard Parish students also have access to the BEAUREGARD PARISH LIBRARY’S ECARD.  The login for the ecard is a capital “S” followed by the SID number (the number for their Google login).  This provides unlimited resources to our students, including online tutoring, homework help, access to ebooks, and many online databases to conduct academic research!!  Take advantage of this resource!!

Teachers can benefit from a variety of services offered by the library.  We will laminate free of charge, and we will make needed copies for any teacher at any time.  Feel free to ask a librarian or a library aide for details! 



Contact Amanda Liles

School Phone:
337-463-3266 x 10220


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