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DHS Student Council


The DHS student council is a service club with high expectations that is made up of students that work hard on their academics and are required to keep a GPA with a minimum of 2.75. Student council members are expected to set a positive example for the entire student body. These students are required to receive zero discipline records throughout the year, follow all school rules and regulations, and complete service hours at the school and in the public. 

Click on the correct contract link for the student’s grade level, read the contract, complete the information section, and submit it. Please note that the contract will be void if the student’s GPA is too low for two consecutive grading periods or if they exced the allowed discipline referrals during school year. 

Service hours are required for all student council members. You must complete a minimum of 10 service hours by early May. You must complete the service hour paper and have each event signed off on by the suupervisor in charge. A single event will only count as one hour.