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Ms. Davis

Welcome to English II / II CP / III AP

Our class handouts, activities, objectives can be found in Google ClassroomStudents should check their Google Classroom regularly to keep up with assignment! I update our classroom daily with summaries of our in-class lessons/activities and post copies of our handouts for you to download or print as needed. For parents/guardians unfamiliar with Google Classroom, please view Beauregard Parish’s Google Classroom Guide.

Course descriptions, rules, and procedures are included in our class Syllabus. If you did not get one at the beginning of the year, feel free to download or print one using the link provided.

- AP Classroom: AP students will be using AP Classroom regularly to practice AP-tested skills and improve their reading and writing skills.
- MasteryPrep: Any student looking for ACT practice can use MasteryPrep to review their score breakdown and receive extra support for missed questions.


Please email me if you have any questions about your student or the course in general!